Just trying to distill some thoughts around AI and creation.

I believe the point of life is joy, connection, and bringing more of those two things to the world around you.

None of us chose to be here, and none of us will survive it, so all we can do is try and improve our shared experience.

I believe a core component of this is process, is striving. Joy and connection is found in shared process.

We need the process. The output isn't the point. Humans need the process.

I think we need to remember this, in an era where everyone is racing to be able to output "art" or "music" as quickly as possible, where apparently creativity, one of the most free and natural forms of expressions available to anyone with an imagination, is "finally democratised", and where craft and methods that take months or years to bear fruit are seen as inefficient.

The inefficiency is the joy, the striving is the point. And the result has value due to the shared human experience of understanding the process that went into its creation.